
IDES1031-T6b-Video Reflection-2010-8-17

Emotions play a crucial role in people’s daily life. Donald Norman introduces the design of emotions which called emotional design which indicates products with the pleasure elements. Donald analyzes products in a holistic way to include their attractiveness, their behavior, and the image they present to the user -- and of the owner.

Firstly, he shows an example of the juicer that designed by Phillips Starck which is quite famous that made by Alessi. He indicates that this product is not functional but it is a fun. He would rather choose to put this at the entrance of his house but not for juice making. Thus, we can see from this, a good product could be with no function but it has to make people fun.

Following product is a ping-pang desk, a vivid sea picture with some fishes could be seen on the ‘screen’ of the desk. When the ball touches the desk, the fishes swim away from the point. The idea is great but it is not actually possible to be used when the official ping-pang competition happens because the speed of the ball hits the screen is fast. Thus, we can say, pleasant things make life better but they might not be functional.

Three ideas that Donald illustrated was visceral, behavioral and reflective elements. A good product that the consumers really want and need is viscerally like. Therefore, the designers have to make the products more fun rather than functional in some aspects to fulfill consumers’ needs and wants. Moreover, behavioral element, which means products should benefit people’s behaviors. Talking about reflective element, it is important to see people’s first reflection towards the product and the appearance is crucial for a product.

In conclusion, emotion design benefits people to have fun with the products that they have or intend to have.

