
IDES1031-T6c-Video Reflection-2010-8-24

This is the video about the illustration of stuff process. All the stuffs that produced move through a system which is formed by 5 separate procedures, with extraction, production, distribution, consumption and disposal respectively. Moreover, this whole process is called material economy, that is, where does those materials come from and where to go.

In this procedure, people, as a crucial role, who live and work in this process. In this huge field, people from government and corporations are mostly effective to the whole process. Government control people in various ways, as well as they also have the rights to control the process to operate. Besides, corporations affect the operation of government because they have the side power towards to whole market.

With the process operating, what it brings is not only the benefits, but also some negative effects, like running out of resources. Using too much stuff may cause the limitation for people to use more resources in the future. There is a survey that reveals almost one-third of the natural resources had been used up by human beings until now. Also, toxics are another serious problem when producing the goods. 100, 00 kinds of synthetic chemicals are added into products for people to use. That means, some of the chemicals are directly touched by people’s skin. So, eventually, those chemicals must affect next generation indirectly. Also, in terms of the normal operation of the whole process, government encourages people to go shopping rather than staying at home. So, some shops are encouraging people to purchase by decreasing the price of products. This process has to keep the externalized costs. From distribution part to consumption one, it is the most important process. However, 99% of the trashes are produced rather than some valuable stuff. In fact, some products are produced to be like planned obsolescence, which is called ‘Designed for the dump’. This means those products are designed to be quickly used and thrown away. Corporations encourage people to purchase by changing the way the stuff looks like shoes and radios. We live in a lifestyle of go shopping and working and going home and watching TV, then the advertisements tell us to purchase, followed with going shopping again! Such a circulate process! Furthermore, the disposal of the stuff is crucial but usually we make this procedure money cost and resource cost. We burn all the trash or cover them. How could we have a better living environment by doing this just for its convenience?

As far as I am concerned, what we should concentrate is not only how to encourage people to go more shopping, but caring about the area that we are now living in. Although we've already have some concerns like sustainability, equity, green chemical, zero waste, closed loop production, renewable energy and local living economics. But we haven’t really focused on those issue, the bad influences are still there! As the earth, which is our home, is becoming sick day by day. As the citizens like us, we are able to and have to create something to save our family but not just caring about what we could gain from it.


IDES1031-T6b-Video Reflection-2010-8-17

Emotions play a crucial role in people’s daily life. Donald Norman introduces the design of emotions which called emotional design which indicates products with the pleasure elements. Donald analyzes products in a holistic way to include their attractiveness, their behavior, and the image they present to the user -- and of the owner.

Firstly, he shows an example of the juicer that designed by Phillips Starck which is quite famous that made by Alessi. He indicates that this product is not functional but it is a fun. He would rather choose to put this at the entrance of his house but not for juice making. Thus, we can see from this, a good product could be with no function but it has to make people fun.

Following product is a ping-pang desk, a vivid sea picture with some fishes could be seen on the ‘screen’ of the desk. When the ball touches the desk, the fishes swim away from the point. The idea is great but it is not actually possible to be used when the official ping-pang competition happens because the speed of the ball hits the screen is fast. Thus, we can say, pleasant things make life better but they might not be functional.

Three ideas that Donald illustrated was visceral, behavioral and reflective elements. A good product that the consumers really want and need is viscerally like. Therefore, the designers have to make the products more fun rather than functional in some aspects to fulfill consumers’ needs and wants. Moreover, behavioral element, which means products should benefit people’s behaviors. Talking about reflective element, it is important to see people’s first reflection towards the product and the appearance is crucial for a product.

In conclusion, emotion design benefits people to have fun with the products that they have or intend to have.

IDES1031-T6a-Video Reflection-2010-8-3

After watching the video which contains the introductions of many new products that introduced by David Kelley on Human centered design, I was totally impressed by several designs. David Kelley encourages the concept of designing the products that is human centered, which is a design philosophy and a process in which the needs, wants, and limitations of end human of a product are given extensive attention at each stage of the design process. The chief difference from other product design philosophies is that user-centered design tries to optimize the product around how users can, want, or need to use the product, rather than forcing the users to change their behavior to accommodate the product.

Firstly, I was pretty impressed by the design products and technologies that revealed in the retail shop of PRADA. The designer’s idea is to store cultural role as well as a retail one. To be more specific, the design concept of changing room is my favourite. It says liquid-crystal glass becomes opaque at touch of a switch, switching to transparent allows for the outside to review. It is such a convenient design that allows consumers to change the clothes in the room and save the strength and time for consumers to open the doors and go into the doors. Also, it is also convenient for people who are outside of the changing room and waiting for people to change the clothes because the attractive new design may let them forget the boring time they spend on waiting. Once the new technology is introduced in the famous clothing retail store, it must bring a lot of people to come to visit which benefit the profits of the retail store and also to the company of course.

Secondly, another invention called ‘magic mirror’ makes me a lot of thinking. Consumers especially for most of women care about all the directions to see themselves whether she could like better or any special by wearing any clothes. The memory on the mirror could make consumers to see how is he or she looks like when he or she turn around, which means they are able to see themselves in this mirror from all directions. Isn’t that make the consumers act like a movie star?

Last but not least, the product called Spyfish impresses me as well. The idea of this product is try to make it not only look like a fish but have the functions that a fish could have or more than a fish could have. From the screen, the designer tries to bring the experience of being on a boat going under the water. Two cameras are installed on both sides of the ‘fish’. The designer gives the idea of both interface and product itself.

From my point of view, the designers try to get the products the emotion to show how to use which is human centered. Making the products to communicate with the users with themselves is another point. With the technology improves, we are looking forward to seeing more design stuff that are human centered to benefit not only consumers, but also the whole world.


IDES1031-T4-Design Excellence-10-8-10

[Beats Dr.Dre SOLO poster]

Beats by Dr.Dre is designed to be a high performance on-ear headphone with Controltalk.
Designer, Dr.Dre, who is  a famous rap singer. He gives his headphone not only a high quality of tone, but also the nice appearance. Beats has the folding design, consumers are able to fold the earphone and make it become space-fitted. It is convenient for them to use and put. Moreover, the built-in mic for hands-free call and online chats. The special design of ControlTalk gives consumer on-cable playback control of your iPad, iPhone or iPod, including pause, next track and volume. The color he chooses is black and red which represent passion and cool. This combination of color may receive the love of people from different ages. Nice an d simple shape of the headphone. This headphone costs au$279 and I think it worth that price.

The software I used was Photoshop,  the technique I used was cutting the pics and pasting them in another picture. Adding words are the basic technique for me.

In conclusion, after seeing the posters from other students, I have learned a lot from the design of the layout and the color.


IDES1031-T3-Product Sketching-10-8-10

This is the second time for us to have the chance to visit the Powerhouse Museum. Three big kinds of exhibitions are displayed there, with the themes of 'Australian International Design Awards', 'Re-loved' and 'the 80's are back' respectively.

Some 're-loved' chairs really impressed me a lot, some chairs that made by the old-fashioned materials and even some vegetables are so interesting. Some incredible innovation that displayed in the design awards exhibition ables us to feel the technology by ourselves. For the 80's exhibition, I really like the style of clothing there, especially for some dresses.

After the visit to the Powerhouse Museum, we went to the exhibition called '20 years of industrial design' at uni, I saw some of our students' works there. What I should learn is ymuch more than these.

Several days later we went to the workshopped exhibition in the city, some attractive-shaped furnitures and products drived our eyes.

Looking forward to seeing more of these kinds of exhibitions.

IDES1031-T2-My Design Career-10-8-03

My Design Career

Design is one of the everyday stuffs for everyone, people design their life in different ways. We need design and design promotes our life to become better. I want to be a designer as my future job not only because it is cool and I like that, but also for me to be more creative and from what I learn, to improve myself. Also, I could contribute to the society once I have the ability to make it better.

To be more specific, in my country, which is China, exam-oriented education is the most reason which kill teenagers’ creativity for most year of study. People should follow everything that teachers ask students to do. Therefore, children become less and less creative. This is a big issue for people who want to study design. However, young people always seek for something different challenges. Thus, one of my dreams was to study design abroad.

I chose to join the foundation study in one of the international school in my country and I learned commerce there because there were only two kinds of courses there, with commerce and science respectively. After taking an exam at the end of the semester, I got enough score for studying design in UNSW (the University of New South Wales). In terms of choosing a good and suitable course, I turned to one of my father’s friends. She has been to Italy and taken the master course for industrial design and she told me a lot of things about industrial design. From that time, I started to learn some technical drawing and theoretical stuff. I thought industrial design could help me to develop the abilities in design area. Also, I could learn something I really want instead of sitting there and reading books only.

I have been here at UNSW for almost 6 months studying industrial design. Firstly, I have to overcome the difficulty of language then learn some design stuff. I know it will not be an easy process, but I have the confidence that I could overcome that soon under the help of tutors and classmates. My idea to improve is not only taking the classes at university, but experience what can a designer do on my own. Creating my own style with learning is essential.

For the future, I want to try some more kinds of design like accessory design and fashion design. But at present, the most crucial thing to do is follow every step of what we are learning at university, making the strong basis of design. Learning more, experiencing more and creating more.

IDES1031-T1-Shape of a Scent-10-7-27

What we've done today is to smell a little stick with perfume on and made a shape with plasticine.

We've been divided into a group of 6.After discussing for a while, we brainstormed and wrote down several words or phrases or sentenses to describe what we could think about the smell.

For me, the initial idea of that smell is jasmine. I made a story about that, there is a teenage girl who want to try some dangerous things to get into the attractive world, but her innocence still be kept. I thought the color of blue and dark blue can represent this smell. I made my shape into 2 parts, with little girl's part and mature part respectively. The whole streamline shape shows the beautiful lines of women's body.

The result impressed me, the perfume is Estee Lauder Azuree Soleil and this includes the smell of salt water, suntan lotion, coconut and even salted seaweed. Also, the smell of jasmine is included.

In conclusion, I ve learned that something specific might not represent the shape of a scent but some abstract shapes. I should be more creative but not be trapped in some certain shapes.