
IDES1031-Project 2-Comments Links-2010-10-28






IDES1031-Project 2-Upcycling-2010-10-26

A3 poster of iSOFA

Picture of Rationale
Detail of Rationale:
The material I have chosen are the soft drink can and cap, with the rubber pipes as well.

The idea is to make a ‘sofa’ for iphone. Initially, I have made the two cans combined together to become stronger with the pattern on the back side. Thus, the back side looks stratified. The disposable cap of the bottle would be used to make the basis to guarantee the height of the whole product. There is a problem that the shape edges of the can would hurt iphone therefore the whole object needs a protective layer. 

Moreover, the disposable rubber pipes from the automobile service factory would be cut into sections with a line of cut to be the protective layers for iphone from being hurt by surrounding the sharp edges.
The back pattern of the object represents the waving of the soft drink water.

Talking about the shape of the item, the whole idea does not change the shape of the basic raw material. Furthermore, it makes the common can to be more functional and artistic.
A small gap with the shape to fit the iphone cable is made to be more functional. The user would put the iphone on the ‘iSOFA’ with charging at the same time without falling down.

There is a whole slice cut out of can would made to decorate the inside of ‘iSOFA’ to keep the initial appearance of the soft drink. There is an alternative part would be accessed to ‘iSOFA’. There is a slice to insert the gap between the two cans at the back with a section of rubber pipe at the top to protect iphone.

Soft drink can and cap:
Refuse processing plant
Rubber pipe:
Automobile service store

Alternative soft drink:



IDES1031-T6e-Video Reflection-2010-10-12

Nowadays, design has been fused into people’s daily life. More and more people are interested in designing stuff. Also, there are some people who are seeking for the high level of design. There is a group of people with high sensitiveness of design and the desire to design new and attractive stuff coming to Paris, which is the capital city of France with the great atmosphere of all the elements of design and creativity. They are coming for the competition to win the chance to corporate with Phillippe Starck, who is the French product designer and probably the best known designer in the New Design Style.

12 selected people arrived in Paris with desire and dream not only for the chance to win, but also for the beauty of the city. This group consists of five women and seven men. Anyone could win the competition by rewarding with a six-month placement at Starck’s design agency. They were selected by Strack, Jasmine and Eugeni.

In this program, I am impressed by a guy whose name is Nebil Avas, he is from London. At the tender age of 22, Nebil's confidence is astounding – he compares the way he works and thinks to Salvador Dalí and Philippe Starck. "Personally, I'd like to think I'm one of the best designers of the future," he says. Of Turkish-Cypriot decent, Nebil didn't enjoy his childhood – as a hyperactive child he hated school, and his father was always on his case. His only salvation was going to Cyprus during the school holidays to help his grandfather in his cobbler's shop. At 15, Nebil saw a book of Starck's work and, from that day, he realised he wanted to be a designer. At school he began to visualise how 3D objects were made and realised this was his true calling in life. Nebil believes it is fate that this opportunity to work with Starck has come along for him. His age is not the superiority because he is not old enough to have more experience than others. But what I like is his great ambition and confidence. His spirit of not afraid to lose impressed me a lot. I like his way of thinking and his final products.

From this program, what I have learned is to design a product, we could not only care about the self-thinking but also from other people’s sides. Thus, for me, collecting other people’s ideas before making the final models is very important. Secondly, comparing the product with some existing similar products makes a designer to know more about the same kind of products. Research is in need in terms of knowing the target uses’ like and don’t like. Several aspects should be taken into considerations. I would like to suggest that as a designer, in order to create a new product, we could go around and take a look at the target market’s living areas and the way they live with some daily products they use, making a list is essential as well.

I really like this kind of program that record the way the designers think and develop. I would like to watch more of these TV programs.


IDES1031-Project 1-Comments Links-2010-9-21

This is a post that show hyperlinks of the student blogs I commented on:



IDES1031-Project 1-Experience Enrichment-2010-9-21

Context of use


Hero Shot

Pleasure Analysis


Target user:
For this product, I have set the target market to the population whose age is in the range of 23 to 30. The round-shaped accessories might be attractive to them, also for same type of decoration. The color of shining gold and silver will catch their eyes with the metallic feeling as well.

Introduction of the Product:
Color: The initial idea of the product was designing a girl-liked nail tool with the color of pink and black. However, I realized that what I have to do is not just at our age but beyond. Then I set the target to the age range beyond 20 years old, turn the view to the working ladies rather than the teenage girls. In terms of fitting the age range that the product needs, the color has been changed from pink to gold and it meets the target users’ like.
Shape: The whole shape of the product is like an oval with the decoration of the waving pattern. And the whole idea is to make the product looks curvy.
Function: Besides, this nail tool is supposed to be multi-function. First of all, the back of the tool has a sanding surface whose function is to shaping the nails while doing the manicure. Secondly, there is a mini brush at the top of the tool in terms of cleaning out the dusts that be produced while doing the nail beauty process. Last but not least, the nail tool has a slightly diagonal edge in order to remove the dirt that hidden in the seams of the nails with the slant angle of the edge.
Material: This nail tool is based on the material named bare wood. The brush is standing on the clay. And the sanding surface is made out of a piece of sanding paper and is pasted on the wood.
Idea: The idea of the product is from the key, the ladies from contemporary society more like the accessories which multiple functions and the mini size rather than the stuffs that weigh heavy and hard to fit into the ladies’ bags. Thus, this product is supposed to fit into ladies’ bags, even the purses of the women. In a word, it is convenient for any lady to carry with.
Also, this product is suggested to be put into lady’s bag or even a purse. Women who love beauty will find this mina nail tool useful and convenient in their daily life.
Real model of the All-In-One Nail Tool

Size of the Tool is like a key

Technical Drawing


IDES1031-T6d-Video Reflection-2010-9-14

I always think that every object has its life and it tells a story of a designer. This point of view is also agreed by Henry Ford which is the starter of Ford Car Manufacturing Corporation. When people see one product, they start thinking about the functions and whether it is good to look and use. Furthermore, some people might start thinking about the stories of the designers rather than start using them. Therefore, the whole process of manufacturing a product is such an important part of a product.

 Going through the whole video, few points of views impressed me a lot. Firstly, a good design has to be innovative. Designing stuff involves a long road of designing, making, redesigning and doing a final product. If one final product that designed by someone looks common in every same kind of other products, it will be a tough thing for not only the designer himself, but also for the consumers. Innovative is an important part for a product and it decides the value of a product itself.

Secondly, making a product useful is crucial because once a product is hard to use, who will purchase? Useful stuffs always make the users happy to use and the time for a person to use will last longer than the poorly-designed stuff.

Followed by another important aspect is a good design is supposed to be aesthetic. People sometimes like the beautiful appearance rather than the functions themselves. For example, a girl who is young and do not really know what a good eraser should be in function, she might choose to purchase the one which is beautiful but not good in quality rather than the one with good quality but looks common.

Design confusion is a project that we did last week. A lot of design stuffs are confusing people and make the products hard for people to use in some ways. Thus, for every single product, it is important for the users to understand what it for.

I think every family has its own family heirloom. It might be a treasure thing or just a small comb.
We have found that those stuffs are all last long and good in quality. Therefore, a good and long last design should be produced to be long-lived. So, the material and the way to produce should be taken into consideration and to be important.

Nowadays, people concentrate on some environmental friendly materials to make the products. Also, the idea of less material with the best use is also promoted to the public and it raises people’s awareness across the world. Thus, some designs that fit the requirements are coming out more and more often.

Turning to another aspect, businessman keeps designer company every day. Once a product comes out, it has to be published to the purchasing market, so it is important to communicate to the people who are doing business.

Designing is about affect people and their life. So it should be effective and changeable.